
I agree, becauase if you're with three people and you get a weird vibe off of one, then it becomes really uncomfortable refusing eye contact with that one. But in a big crowd there's always a new face to look for.

Who gives a shit? They're obviously commissioned pieces. Artist credits are a subject of negotiation. Either the artist didn't care, or he decided to take the job at the rate offered because he wanted the money more than his name on them.

That might be a bit of an overstatement, but they're good.

As I said above, the word is archetype. A prototype is the first one of something, often not exactly the same as the typical example once the thing becomes common.

The word they're looking for is archetype, but I think we've lost that battle.

In 3-D.

What are you, Bertrand Russel?

Well, you know, he is paying for it.

What's his favorite band?

No period after the A. (I notice you did get it right in the final paragraph. A less charitable commentator vthan I might suggest that's because it was pasted from a press release.)

When my high-school band would drill a new show (before we added the music) there was one snare player who would keep the beat, and this guy was *always* out of step. He wasn't even walking on the beats. He'd take three steps while playing four. How is that even possible?

Yes, he got each one to sponsor one video because the label wouldn't pony up for them apparently.

I read the first book 20 years ago when I was supposed to be studying for exams, and it's not bad, but I think the movie was a lot more interesting — it focused on the horror of what happened to Regan and the strugle for the priests to remain sane in spite of Captain Howdy's taunts. Much of the book, as I recall, is

You took mine!

It's possible I suppose, but the rhythm is so perfect that I can't believe it's anything but a mistake by the actor — but then, in the film, the scene you mention makes clear that the befuddlement Sen. Geary exhibits is all a show. The point being, like Redford's slip-ups in this picture, they serve the narrative more

(This Song's Just) Six Words Long.

Marching Band is awesome. Also, it's quite possible I'd have never have gotten laid otherwise.

There's that great bit in Godfather Part II where G.D. Spradlin (playing Senator Pat Geary) forgets Diane Keaton's name: "Pat! Er, Kay!" Almost certainly a slip by the actor, but it's kept in the film and as it turns out it works gangbusters to establish the character. You don't see that kind of shagginess in movies

Oh, yeah, but that's all the time for me. I have watched the last hour of Gravity two times on HBO in the last two days, and I've said "c'mon, c'mon!" at the appropriate moment both times, even though I saw it in the theater too.

Oh, man, there's nothing worse than finishing something on the DVR at 11 pm, deleting it, and finding them playing Apollo 13 on live TV. "Guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight."