Gringo Starr

I think after Cage is dead, his son is going to open it to unlock the secret of why the fuck his dad named him Kal-El.

Does "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" count as a Chris Rock movie?

I'd rather watch Coco as Tilda Swinton than this bullshit.

Am I the only one who feels like Conan's worse off than if he had just stayed the host of Late Night?

1000 internet points for Astro!

Would you be willing to accept a diagnosis of CancerAIDS?

> So African Americans enacting Orientalist stereotypes has to be some sort of progress, doesn't it?

If Soong's building Data as a replication of himself, that doesn't make him gay if he makes his own robot surrogate anatomically correct. In fact, that's far less creepy than making a female robot and having sex with it (given Data views Soong as his "father"). Even if he did build Data as a sex robot, having sex

One thing Zach didn't mention is that the show launched in the middle of a TV writers' strike (hence the rehashing of TOS episodes). So these early episodes have a shitload of padding - slow transitions between scenes with incidental music and not much more happening than a pan across the set. I think the

TNG was always imperialistic in its portrayal of aliens
Worf's "one of the good ones" because he tries to be more like the humans. Same for Data - the bad robots, like Lore or the Borg revel in their other-ness. Their portrayals of alien cultures get less cartoonishly racist as the series progresses, but only to a

ie. the My Year of Flops principle

Hollywood doesn't remake things that didn't make any money the first time around.


I"ll second the Arrested Development pilot. It's as funny as most episodes of the show, but also does a brilliant job at establishing a very large cast. Every one of them gets a moment like "a trick is something a whore does for money… or candy!" that just nails what that character is all about.

Actually, I think Snoop was perfect in that role. And the "Do it" thing was funnier on the Ben Stiller Show ten years earlier. I bet Stiller could fill a whole movie with blatantly recycled jokes from that show. 90% of the audience would love it, and 10% would be fuming.

Lucas is Ben Roethlisberger - he won the Superbowl as a rookie, and ever since then it's been nothing but raping girls and running shit over with his motorcycle.

The Kessel Run thing is the original fanwank, and it's just bad writing no matter how you try to prop it up. Also, it's weird that Jake Lloyd has aged into A.J. from the Sopranos.

Yeah, I've seen David Byrne riding his bike around Brooklyn, and going to see young, unknown bands, and in some cases championing them to the world. He's about as down-to-earth as someone in his position could be.

I'll take the system where, if a team is in last place in the Premier league, they get bumped down to Triple-A, and the best Triple-A team goes to the majors. Wouldn't that be great? Take that, Tampa Bay Devil Rays!

Also, nice to see some love for the Prydain books. My 4th grade teacher read us "The Book of Three" a chapter at a time after lunch every day, and that set me on fantasy and sci fi for my entire childhood and teenagerdom. Then I discovered girls, so that stuff got put on a shelf until Harry Potter or so.