Gringo Starr

I would trust Pixar to come up with an interesting premise, Haden. I kind of like what they're doing with Cars 2 - instead of another racing, learning-valuable-lessons, movie, they said this one's going to be a conspiracy thriller along the lines of North By Northwest. Except with talking cars.

I think he does the voices so well because Oz probably groomed him to take over. It wasn't a case of, "Oh shit, Jim's dead, what do we do now?" He does all the Sesame Street voices too, and they're spot-on. But wrong-sounding Ernie still throws me, even though he's probably been Ernie as long as Henson was at this

That actually sounds good.

Yeah, I read it as, the other guy was more talented at this stuff, but Bond was just determined as hell. It was a great way of establishing Craig as Bond, now that I think about it. He's not suave and clever, he's just a badass.

How have we been discussing worst Bond movies and no one's mentioned Octopussy? The thrilling opening is about Faberge eggs, and it ends with Bond in clown makeup. An embarrassment.

Bobby? Can I take it to the bridge?

I'm surprised there are so many hipster douchebag farmers out there. Nice to hear there are a few real farmers left.

I actually thought that was one of the least convoluted time-travel plots ever. And a genius move by Abrams, of erasing all of the bullshit Star Trek continuity, while at the same time staying faithful to same.

No it isn't.

Children of the Bourne
Gerry 2: Matt Damon Kicks the Crap Out of the Desert

A lot of this actor vs. actor comparison really comes down to script quality and how seriously the series took itself. When it gets too silly, it's hard to play Bond well (Moore and Brosnan). When Bond legitimately gets to be a badass (Connery, Craig), the actor rises to the character. I think each Bond is of his

Maybe the best Trek episode ever is the one where Sisko has to do increasingly amoral shot to get the Romulans into the war, and Garak plays the devil on his shoulder, nudging him along every step.

Then rapes a kitten.

Going back to the original question, why would people work really hard without being paid? Why do people join the military now? Or the fire department? Or become cops, or teachers, or nurses? There are tons of fields that are low-paying relative to the risk of life and limb, but have a satisfaction that doesn't

Nail, head, Scruggs.

I love Garak. Garak alone is why DS9 is far and away the best Trek show. Can't wait for those recaps, in fact.

As I understood it, there weren't a ton of mixed-species crews. Or, more accurately, you might have a few nonhumans on a "human" ship, but it was predominately a human ship; likewise with Vulcans or Betazoids or whoever. So in most cases, there'd be a Vulcan first office waiting out the Vulcan captain.

This sums up Voyager for me: in between DS9 and BSG, Ron Moore did a stint as a writer for Voyager. He started hashing out an episode, and asked the other writers what the engineer was like - what was her personality, her motivations, etc. They said, "We don't know. Just make something up." That was 3-4 years into the

For legal reasons, the Morrison character will be named Jamie Jormp-Jomp.

Now I think you have to invent a good drink to kick off the weekend called the Nicholas Cage. It has to have trace amounts of Francis Ford Coppola's wine, but be mostly cheap schlock.