Gringo Starr

Fritzy (I keep replying to you today), when I met my wife, she had somehow never seen any of the Star Wars movies. (This was before the execrable prequels came out)

I do remember Barbapapas, and I'm surprised anyone else does - I was never sure as a kid if they existed in the U.S. I got a few books from my Palestinian cousins, and I got the impression the characters were French (in some books, the boy is named Frank; in others, Francois). But it was definitely weird.

Cop Out, as written by Kevin Smith, and directed by anyone other than Kevin Smith, probably would have been a great movie.

Please tell me you're not comparing Ratatouille to The Brave Little Toaster.

Wolf Blitzer, Harvey Weinstein, Terry Gross, and the jam band Moe. Hey, tuition was cheap.

Given how consistently Liz has been in the "obligation" camp, I imagine Fey is as well (which is what utterly killed my crush on her). So if you think sex is a drag, I can see how you'd think everyone feels the same way - ie women only have sex to get attention. In short, the worst idea in history - virgin/whore - is

Did someone say Gary, Indiana? Are you kidding? That is the worst place in America, and that's coming from a guy in Jersey who grew up in Buffalo.

One thing that struck me about Serenity is how many beats were borrowed from Buffy. Dewy teenage killing machine? Check. Lonely nerd who builds robot girlfriend? Check. Every single person on the show has a "devoted to/bickers with" relationship with every other person on the show? Check. There were a few more

I think you're onto something, Terry. I mean, what makes more sense? That a 40-something woman, who statistically has a high risk for carrying a Down's Syndrome baby would have one? Or that a teenage girl would have a Down's Syndrome baby, and then a few short months later, give birth to another baby? It's obvious

Fox will happily grant that deal, then cancel the sidekick's show after six episodes. For the third time. Hell, he was only a 1-off guest star on Arrested Development, and they canceled that six episodes later just to be on the safe side.

Agreed, Sajanas. And the best-written sequence in the film, the USS Indianapolis speech, wasn't in the book.

Whatever flaws the show may have, House gets the Holmes character about exactly right. Laurie strikes a great balance between arrogance/isolation and making him someone you still root for.

US3 seemed like such a good idea at the time. Classic jazz fused with terrible, terrible hip-hop. I still feel like, in the hands of a halfway decent rapper, that idea could have gone somewhere.

The "someone must pick you up" rule is a real-life rule, and part of the rule is "cabbies don't count." I don't know why they do this, apart from making a doctor's visit ten times the inconvenience. I swear this rule didn't exist five years ago.

52, that PC for half the price has no sound card, no video card, and no resale value - all standard on a Mac. The only thing the PC has the Mac doesn't is viruses. I'm not saying the Mac's the only way to go, but you are getting something other than hipster cachet for that extra money.

Here's the problem with John Corbett. He's the male equivalent to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which is the Hunky Guy Who Will Put Up With All Of Your Shit. Multiple personalities? Big fat annoying family? Cheating on him with Mr. Big and being inhumanly self-centered and annoying? That's all right, I'm so laid back

I can confirm that the big disadvantage to the 21 drinking age is seeing bands (and going out in general) being a lot harder. Because it's not like booze itself is hard to get.

@hey dipshit:
Have you ever been to New York? It would not be at all out of place to find white people at a club in Harlem (or black people in whatever you think the stereotypically white neighborhood is. And you think black and white kids only go to high school together in the South? Really? That's a real thing? That

I would take that a step further and say that nearly all scripted television in the 00s owed a debt to the X-Files. Before X, the only sci-fi on TV was Star Trek:TNG, which, let's face it, was pretty awful, much as I liked it at the time. Now, there's tons of sci fi all over prime time.

Todd, Abrams said that they intentionally rushed their big reveals to draw in viewers, as they were worried Fox might have cancelled the show if they didn't get on with it. William Bell wasn't supposed to appear until the end of S2.