Keep the Roots, replace Fallon with Chapelle. Best talk show on TV. You're welcome, NBC!
Keep the Roots, replace Fallon with Chapelle. Best talk show on TV. You're welcome, NBC!
Yeah, I'm way more depressed about Maxim still existing than the Twitter-to-sitcom transition. Frankly, CBS has gotten sitcoms from worse places.
Now there's an endorsement - I totally loved to have this show on in the background while I was paying attention to something else! Right up there with the Weather Channel!
Crap, now after calling out someone else as an idiot, I realize I posted this reply to the wrong thread. So I'm an even bigger idiot.
Yes, if only several AV Club staffers had taken the time to post comments hinting at the reason for, or outright explaining Firefly's absence from this list. But, you know, reading stuff is hard. So I'll just keep bitching instead.
The sad thing about ARCTU is several of the best episodes came after the show got canceled. It was uneven all the way through, in terms of one episode being brilliant and the next dragging a bit. But the cast was stellar, the writing really inventive, and the fantasy-sequence thing was a fresh, new idea (which…
I'm sorry, science has proven that it's impossible to have a worse band name than Hoobastank.
Yeah, I saw Paul's reaction as, "Dammit, she beat me again!"
Guy, I went that route. Got into Cornell, went to a state school. I got the fish/pond superiority, and no student loans. And on not one job interview ever have they asked about where I went to school. Win/win.
I think she wanted to not be a receptionist more than she wanted to be in sales. But it also makes sense that her numbers are low because she's the newest rep, and she had to give back her MSPC clients.
Let's clarify the AVClub's policy here: Nabin is the only writer who's allowed to *speak to* black people, but other writers are allowed to write *about* black people. It's frowned upon, of course, but it's allowed.
I don't like that blue dude! I'm buggin' out!!!
Hey, maybe you'll finally break out of typecast and land a role as a dewy teenage killing machine.
The more I watch Mad Men, the more it reminds me of the Sopranos. To the point where I brace myself every time Don's behind the wheel of a car, because Tony got into so many car accidents. And the confrontation scene was the second-most tension I've ever felt from a TV show, behind only the last 3 minutes of the…
Glad someone else out there knows Elvis Hitler!
You can succeed by taking the initiative without neccesarily starting your own business. As my dad put it to me, find out what's expected of you and do that, plus one other thing. Now, some jobs don't reward that behavior, but some certainly do.
The worst parent in the history of the world, including that lady who drove her car into the lake, is Rob Morrow (the guy from Northern Exposure). He named his daughter Tu. Tu Morrow. As in, the sun'll come out. Death's too good for him.
Sorry, the new catchphrase is "I remain cautiously optimistic NO INCEST!"