I can't do both?
I can't do both?
Keep firing, assholes!
How long will it be before Ovation follows the path of Trio before it, and Bravo before that, from arts channel, to gay channel, to reality show channel?
My favorite Satan joke comes from Dave Chappelle. First he tells a joke about selling his soul to the devil, which I don't remember. And then:
Hey, you could be a Mac user - the game comes out every 10 years. Before I got the Wii, I was still playing with 2000 - guys in that game have been voted into the Hall of Fame, it was out so long ago.
I believe they already tried that; it was called the XFL.
I have to pile on the Cyberball love. One day, our local arcade replace the 2-player standup version with the 4-player one, with two screens, where you can't see the other guy's screen. This was simultaneously thrilling, as the 4-player machine was awesome, and crushing, as my brother and my shared dream was to buy…
Mine turned to me and said, "no you don't!"
Well, clearly, you're not interesting in keeping track of details.
Fuzzy, if Burt outranked Pete in the accounts department, it would make sense for him to go over his expense reports. I don't give mine to my department head; I give it to the #2, because the department head doesn't want to bother with that kind of thing.
Agog, I'd imagine if you were as game as that particular stewardess, it'd be a good line of work to get into - staying in a different hotel every night with no whispering neighbors opens up a lot of possibilities the average gal in the early 60s didn't have.
I think Ken knows that seeming calm and chipper about the whole thing will drive Pete nuts, and the more tightly wound Pete is, the better he (Ken) looks by comparison.
Yeah, I'll agree with Brian there.
They can't make the episode longer than the usual 48 minutes, because at some point in the future, they'll run it with the regular number of commercials.
It'll never happen, Arsenio. Good art, by its very nature, speaks for the downtrodden, misunderstood, and afflicted. In most cases, guys who don't know how to get girls. But less often, protest art. Republicans scorn the downtrodden, etc. So it just doesn't work.
To be fair, the Unabomber Manifesto has also been heard on National Public Radio. I assume this song was played in a similar context.
Let's clear something up about France, while we're having the discussion. They take so much crap for surrendering in WWII, never mind half the countries in Europe did the same thing. The French bore the brunt of the years of grueling, pointless slaughter that was WWI. After that war, their foreign policy was, in a…
In Singer's version, the final cylin is revealed to be… Verbal! And we don't know if any of the movie even happened!
That was genius, Miller.
At least Tarantino's not directing it, or Anne would be played by Zhang Ziyi, and would end up slicing Hitler's nuts off with a Hattori Hanzo sword.