I tried to imagine a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis who was cleverer than me, and thought, "where would she hide?"
I tried to imagine a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis who was cleverer than me, and thought, "where would she hide?"
The big problem with The Plot Against America, for me, is that rather than saying, "if this had happened, the world would have ended up looking like this," he steers the book to a Simpsons ending - "And then everything went back to the way it was, and this was never spoken of again."
The Music Man of Steel
Iron Man of La Mancha
Iceman Cometh
Ample time for love, Dr. Jones!
The new thing here in the U.S. is to declare a show a hit before it's even aired. That way you feel like you're missing out if you don't tune in.
Well, there's a fine line between clever and stupid.
Rail Road Jerk?
Had a gold record? Who knew! Good for them.
Yeah, for one this doesn't sound like it has nearly as much depth as Arrested. "Jackass married to tree-hugger" was supposed to be the Tobias/Linsday dynamic, and they almost immediately scrapped it for "Let the great experiment begin!", so it couldn't have been that great an idea.
You keep forgetting to say 'away'.
I believe he was already on a TV show about some teenage mutant ninja turtles.
16 Candles?
I'm surprised that that's the movie that got singled out for the most love. Even beyond the offensive (besides Long Duk Dong, the movie celebrates Anthony Michael Hall having sex with the cheerleader while she's unconscious - ie. raping her), it's frantic and goofy and doesn't have the seriousness at the…
Lovecraft, all this time, I thought you were actually in Brooklyn. I guess we're never going to hang out now.
One NBC regime promised Conan the Tonight Show, because they were afraid he'd follow in Letterman's footsteps and compete against them one day. But to keep Leno happy, they made the announcement like 5 years in advance. Fast-forward 5 years, and a different NBC regime suddenly realizes that Leno could compete…
What really bothers me about the Leno show isn't that Leno's going to be unfunny on TV - we've had 16 years of that. It's that NBC is just giving up. They might as well put up billboards that say "we're not a real network any more." And, yeah, everything's moving to the internet, and it'll probably be a much better…
Somebody needs to update that thing to include the fake celebrity trend started by David Caruso, and of course a dozen or so reliable posters who have risen to prominence in the last year or so (yes, that includes you, Herpes). But I'm not quite big enough a nerd to do that. Anyone else want to volunteer?
No love for Universal Truths and Cycles? It's my favorite outside the Tobin Sprout period. "Does it hurt you? / To love, I mean" gets me every time. Also, "Glad Girls" is quite simply the best song ever recorded by anyone, but I can't get into the rest of that album.
Something for everyone
Los bros. hernandez are known for their insightful, complicated stories, realistic, engrossing characters, and drawing women with enormous breasts. Which of these things do you think resonates the most with the comics-buying public? Oh, wait, I think Stalingrad answered that for me.
Richard Wright once said that as long as he was living in America, he felt compelled to write about race, so he moved to Paris, so he could write about whatever he wanted. In America, he was a black man; in Europe, he was an American.
The thing is, basically every movie ever has made a profit on video/DVD. Because that money just piles up over time. Maybe Pluto Nash never recouped, but most of the biggest flops you can think of at least break even once the cable TV and DVD money starts flowing in.
Yeah, I remember Rock saying that the studio insisted on the voiceover, which he feels killed the film in a lot of ways. Personally, I think if you're a studio, and you're giving somebody money to do something this out-there, you just need to back off and let them do whatever crazy shit. You can't focus-group…