Gringo Starr

Was using an apostrophe incorrectly in "ad's" commentary on how nothing's right on this page?

The sad thing is, the RIAA basically destroyed internet radio because it did all of the above things.

That was where the industry fucked themselves. CDs were cheaper to produce than cassettes or vinyl, so naturally, they charged more money for them. Then when the cassette was dead and vinyl was effectively marginalized, they hiked CD prices further. If you charge people an unreasonable amount of money for

It was depressing enough when I realized that Mike D had rocked the mic 'till his own hair turned gray. But this is far worse. Hope it's as treatable as it sounds. I just bought the Paul's Boutique reissue last night, so I've been listening to them all morning. Which somehow makes the news hit a little harder, as

Holy shit, Penguin, thank you for that link at the top. I had to stop reading about five entries in because I had tears streaming down my face from laughter and didn't want one of my co-workers to ask me what's wrong.

My earliest memory is my brother being brought home from the hospital. My second-earliest is watching the news. John Lennon had been shot - I didn't even know who he was, I was so young, but I knew it was a really big deal.

The sad thing is, the only person on television now who respects the audience and tries to deliver the unvarnished truth is Jon Stewart. But as far as honest-to-goodness news goes, no one can touch Cronkite.

The problem with this is, AvClub shuts down over the weekend, so the Buzzkills comments were all we had to tide us over to the next inventory. Now we have nothing!

Read the tinyurl link someone posted above. In order for Comedy Central to afford the show, they have to slash the budget dramatically, but the cast still wants to make network TV money. It sounds like, if they pay the cast what they want, they can't afford to put the show on. If they hire nobodies, they get to put

It's like a party in my mouth, and everybody's throwing up!

technical question
This isn't about this all-girl AV Talk, but more directed at previous ones - can someone boost Nabin's levels a bit? I never have trouble hearing anyone else, but he's often inaudible. I worry that he saves his most witty or insightful moments to say at low volume, just to spite me.

Or, you might be pleasantly surprised.

The Potter books are like the original Star Wars films - we feel such a great affection for them (and they're build on such familiar elements) that it's virtually impossible for fans to honestly assess the many flaws in the series. Apart from the Ewoks singing, and Quiddich, which is just stupid.

I think you're thinking of the bee girl.

Holy shit, that's brilliant, South.

Aren't the letter grades this site assigns rants basically meaningless? I mean, Cmndr_X's rant gets the same grade as Queef Richards' rant in the comments for the Hong Kong Phooey Newswire item? Come on! It's totally subjective and depends completely on who's writing the review.

The McSweeney's collection of horror/genre stuff (I believe it's called McSweeney's Astonishing Stories) is pretty solid all the way through, except, perversely, for Stephen King.

Asimov's short stories were almost like fictionalized versions of his essays (he was the Malcolm Gladwell of his day, explaining heady scientific concepts to the everyman). It's as if he had an idea, and he decided he could either explain it, or illustrate it using a story, and that determined what he would write.

If there's one thing I'll never get tired of, it's people who can't spell 'dyed'.