Jukebox Gyro

As with food, as in life. Best advice ever.

I always think of The Super Bowl as a second Thanksgiving, what with all the food, booze, and football. I think I'm going to smoke some ribs. I just bought a smoker and the novelty has yet to wear off.

How did "rotary dial" get past standards and practices?

My World of Flops, dude.

Hmmm. Maybe it's time to hi-jack some space on next Monday's What's on Tonight.

¿Quién se comió todas las tartas?

Thank You! I like yours, too. My father died of prestidigitis last spring so I'm glad to you raise awareness.

Are you ready for a Seven Layer Bortles recipe?

I know, right?

"Tar" is old fashioned slang for a sailor. As we all know, Norfolk is steeped in maritime tradition. I will rate it probably not racist but odd.

That's a perfect song for Howlin' Reed.


Where in the Hell are the singing cats?

And Sunday Night Football.

And I like Brian Phillips. He wrote a long piece about sumo wrestling and it was fascinating. Put Charles Pierce on the "good" list as well.

Don't forget that Steve Hayden fella! Where'd he get his start, anyway?

Colder weather doesn't mean the end of cycling! And anyway, aren't you in the DC area? How cold can it get?

Don't bury the lede! The AV Club's Annual Worst Band Name List is right around the corner!

NBC? It blowed up, it blowed up real good!

Wait, what? It's such a perky song!