Jukebox Gyro

I just finished The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. It was good. The only analysis I will add is that Crispin Hershey has more than a touch of Kilgore Trout to him. And I'm in favor of that.

This garden tool can also mean a person with low morals.

Throw in the Blatz Splatz and you've described my last trip to Rhinelander.

To paraphrase Warrant, "Hudson isn't too far away."


Never have I heard such gratuitous use of the word "butt!"

Eugene Levy looks so menacing!

For the record, John's refers it it as sauce not butter. It is most likely closer to margarine than butter.

Someone up there must like me!

The California Atoms had a field goal kicking mule so a giraffe seems fine to me.

Have you ever seen a rugby throw-in? They should do that for field goals.

And they drink at the Hat Trick Lounge.

Birmingham? Wow, he's washed that Brum accent clean.

I've followed Premiership for the last few seasons and I really like the early start times. I'm up early with kids and I've got the whole day left when the game is over.

Dick Trickle.

"Hey man, I'm engaged. I wouldn't do anything wrong." M'welde Moore, how I miss you.

What are you going to do if they don't fire him? Quit watching football? (spoken like Kang and Kodos in Treehouse of Horror VII)

They already made a 24 movie. It's called The Clock by Christian Marclay.

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