Jukebox Gyro

Though they failed to create his likeness, they most certainly captured his essence.

I thought they were first made in Greece.

It ain't easy being a mouse!

Deviled Eggs, man, that's my go to for the last 10 years. I have a food processor so it cuts down on the work. After hard boiling, I whip up the yolks with some dijon and mayo and that's my base flavor. I make different batches. Sriracha is a favorite. Horse radish is good. I'm doing blue cheese, frank's red hot, and

Where are you, John Facenda? A nation needs your voice more than ever.

You rang?

Living at altitude, performing at sea-level.

But what happens when a Certified All Natural competitor dopes? Aren't we back to where we are right now?

One thing is for sure: the lawyers got paid.

Lancel, so hot right now

One of the instrumentals on Right on Time (Pharaoh's Dream?) is an easy jam and a good break in the action. The Secret is a good song.

I've got a good start in my head. Desmond Dekker, an instrumental Hepcat song, a Rancid song, something by Madness, The Toasters, The Specials, Wrong 'em Boyo, There are a few other ones bouncing around the ol' brain box.

Mix Tape Help

Even the hair and clothes! Charlie has my haircut. Heiko has my brother's glasses. This is disorienting and I'm having a nostalgia overload.


I'm not kidding: I thought Jessa was going to arrange for Minerva to sleep with Adam in exchange for ongoing financial support.

Now you're on the trolley!

A spendthrift is a person who spends money extravagantly. I think Ben Wyatt was a spendthrift while mayor but as auditor, he was very frugal.

I learned about it from the lyrics of Finnegan's Wake. Tough work, carrying the hod.

I won't! I haven't even started in on brisket, pork butt, salmon or smoked gouda.