Jukebox Gyro

There was a cross country ski race last time, it still makes me sad to think about it. One guy, maybe an American, clearly was the stronger skier. He would speed ahead of his nearest competitor on every uphill and flat. But on the downhill, the other guy would catch up and even pass because he had better wax that day!

By the Eye of Costas! Is my new saying.

Did anyone else edit the Civ I text files so the cutaway shots would say hilarious things?

Why doesn't Skinny Puppy just Fat Dog it about these royalties? Is it so hard to just be chill?

Tough night for Broncos. I haven't seen anyone fumble under pressure like that since Judge Ito!

Steam Powered? Preposterous! I doubt Mr. O'Neal can corroborate this dubious piece of reportage.

Hamburgers of Boredom is the name of my new band. Does anyone play any instruments? Auditions are open. And can you teach me to play any instrument?

Hey! That's how Pabst got it's Blue Ribbon.

What year did you graduate from Bovine University? I'm class of '99, myself.

They take it so seriously they sent Eddie the Eagle.

God, I miss John Facenda.

Second only to Ted DiBiase.

I'll say it: Sean Payton and Luis Suarez are what is wrong with football!

I'll be six feet in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouri.

Nah, roast was super easy. Salt and Pepper all over. 450 for 30 minutes, reduce heat to 225 til internal temp of 130. Pull it out, wrap it in foil and towels and let it sit for 2 hours (or more). Unwrap it and put it in for 10 minutes at 450 to crisp up the outside before serving. It is intimidating because it is a

Some Cooking: Upon reading several different threads, I tried my hand at homemade granola. The good news is that it was inexpensive. The bad news is that it was a complete mess. I won't go into details but the time, effort, and supplies didn't cross the $3 mark so I feel okay about it.

How this won't play out: A&E says sure, we'll keep your show on the air. And oh, by the way, did you forget that we have countless hours of footage in our digital databanks and final cut?

Please oh please tell me Gary Young will do the theme song. It will only take a small tweak!

Teapot and the Domes - how's that for timely?

There is a King of the Hill episode that deals with this question.