Jukebox Gyro

On an almost weekly basis, I say something like: "after the blank here and the blank over there, we'll be all out of blank Yeah, we better get some more blank. Yeah, listen to Jukebox, we need more blank!" This episode is packed.

Anybody want a peanut? Nailed it 7 hours after the article ran!

The weren't all happy days…

Lou Reed and Burn Reynolds? Not too shabby for a St. Paul native!

What was his name, the one with the teeth?

Ida Know…That's kind of a lot to ask.

How about those clowns in Congress? What a bunch of clowns.

Looks like I'm all grown up now.

Fantastic One!

Informative, condescending, and hilarious. This is the Internet Trifecta.

Did you see the shot of that little kid, lying on the field in a crumpled heap? He staggered off the field, even with two people helping all 70 pounds of him walk. Absolutely terrifying.

Did you include the lawyers' take?

The prospect of "quitting football" is a daunting one. It might be up there with quitting smoking. I've toyed with the idea over the last few seasons. I live in Minnesota. The team is terrible and the team just fleeced us for a new stadium. We are paying $750 million and the black-out rule is still in play. I mean,

Otis Redding did it first and better.

"Baby Just Spit Me Out" is one. That was a hit for them.

Not where were they found, Constable Reggie, but WHEN were they found?

What's that in Dog-Star years?

Dump your boyfriend and date @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus

Dude, tell her to call in sick. OR sabotage the sewer lines running to and from her place of work.

And I only saw a brief moment of the show but they were working really hard at avoiding dates with girls.