
Well, then. *eh-hem*

In Japan, voice acting is a big deal.  They have it down to a craft, some voice actors are even more famous than live action actors.  In a high-quality animation studio like Studio Ghibli, they will often animate full facial movements (rather than a flapping mouth) to match the speech patterns of the Japanese

Arrietty came out a few weeks ago here in Australia, and I went out of my way to the one baron arthouse that was screening it in Japanese with subtitles (After watching Spirited Away dubbed in English I say "never again!").  It was very slow-paced, but you know what? I like slow-paced.  I love slow pace.  If you can

Leguizamo was in Spun as well wasn't he?  Rabin could do a whole Leguizamothon.  He must be the floppiest actor who ever existed!

The camera is pretty steady for the most part.  They float it around, sometimes, because of the psychic powers thing, you know.

There were a lot of different cameras that we get the viewpoint from, but I kept thinking "someone must have dug up all of this footage and put it all together".  I won't spoil it though, but it's hinted at the end what it's all about, if you listen closely.

I watched it today.  I couldn't care less about the characters, not even for the 20 minutes or so before they got their special powers. It dragged on and on and on with all its padding and supposed "character development" but by the end, all the characters remained one dimensional.  The only thing that shocked me was

MI4 was fucking amazing, it raised the stakes as high as they could fucking go, plus it features the fucking Kremlin, the fucking Dubai Tower and that fucking car-park vending machine which was fucking awesome.

Light has always been a buffet for the black holes.

They seem to be dying down this year.  I can see a lot of sequels and franchise movies but as far as regurgitating into the waiting mouths of the young, well, there's 21 Jump Street…

The first time I saw it was on TV in the middle of a Sunday when I was 13.  The rest of that afternoon was spent in my bedroom.

The reviewer obviously wasn't impressed, but it seems like he was expecting a Christopher Nolan movie or something. I thought it was a pretty good movie, it had a kind of bookish feel to it. If you like films that are long, slow-paced, drawn out, visually arresting and Japanese, then I'd recommend checking it out.

An AV Club article without the Nolan name-drop is like a beer without the alcohol.

If you read the next sentence, like most people do when they read paragraphs, Nathan explains how CGI is generally a villain to the film-industry, which is the "metaphorical" part.

I think there was a lot of inherent implication when he compared this movie to the house plant scene from The Happening.

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus : I think everyone has a knee-jerk dislike of the French.  There's just something about them…

He may have gutted the commentary on British arrogance and colonialism, but it was replaced by a more modern concept of American reactionary behaviour to terrorism and the spectacle of destruction.  The kid's insatiable blood-lust against the aliens was annoying and nearly unwatchable, but was a necessary mirror to

that is, in segmented zip files of 1.4 megabytes each.

Alcohol also works great with terrible movies.

Then at least you can enjoy the literal boobs (not the metaphorical ones)!