
It is when you have a group of friends who also enjoy stimulating discussions about George Clooney's post-Batman & Robin career.

on that note, why did people come in droves to watch Star Wars Episode 1 back in 1999? Name recognition!

I don't know if limited releases are eligible for flopping.  I live in Brisbane and there was a total of one cinema showing this movie, that I know of, in all of Queensland.

Before Afterwards: Hawke visits Delpy's gravestone in France while having recurring Flashbacks of their time just before her tragic suicide.  It turns out Delpy was a paranoid schizophrenic having constant jarring hallucinations of secret black robed peoples sacrificing new-born babies on invisible altars.  Delpy is

I'd like to see what that hurricane did to that school.

Randophobia is probably the only phobia considered a badge of honor, that I know of.

I hope the subtitles in the movie appear like they do in the trailer

At least we'll always have Groundhog Day.

that is to say…pyrotechnically.

He's technically an auteur, I don't know about genius…

"Plan 9 From Cloud 9"?

I remember the trailers for this game were boasting about the shiny graphics and sound quality, which looked really impressive.  The review doesn't give a single word to either, so I'm taking the hint that they weren't really noticeable?

Here's some catchy new advice for the up-and-coming go-getter interviewer: "Cut the crappa, start with Zappa"

unless he was being sarcastic, but it was hard to tell.

How about the book "My Year of Flops"?

Thank you, Noel, for writing up exactly what I've been trying to tell people all these years!  Revolutions has always been my favourite and I think I'm the only person in the world who liked it when I saw it in the theatres.  As a stand alone movie, it's pretty terrible, I mean by movie-making standards, but as a

If you're talking about "Beyond", then yes, that short was a masterpiece, even if it adds nothing to the Matrix Universe.

Tarsem Singh is Indian?  I don't know if it's working…

I haven't read the books, so I would like to know—for academic reasons—why she is also smelling of poop.

She's good looking but I bet her breath smells like an ashtray, and prone to coughing up tar all over the place.