Dwaynes Rock Hard Johnson

OG Black Tiger Squadron fighters (Gamilon era) were way better looking than their new school (Comet Empire) replacements.

Sorry to be such a nitpick, but it's Space Battleship YAMATO…not Yamamoto.

Ponder this:

How in the blue hell does one confuse the two?

Only one way, son…

I was gonna bust out into the chorus of 'Burn it Up' by the Jonas Brothers, but then I remembered you guys don't like Indie music.

The picture made it to him…

Is it wrong that when I say Boehner to myself it always sounds like BONER?

"I was passing out while you were passing out the rules."

I got a Ziggy Marley notification for this?

It's where I keep all my things. I get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

Did I even mention how I felt about Man of Steel Jabroni?

Not ALL black people look alike y'know.

I though this was going to be a commentary about his turn as Johnathan Kent in Man of Steel and how he bullies a young Clark into hiding his true powers thereby robbing the world of a would be hero just so he doesn't have to live with the "stigma" of having a son that's different.

Look here Jabroni, the question specifcally mentioned kiwis.

Maybe…but sometimes you don't have any kiwis to jizz on…then what?

The word "cum" sounds so low-brow and plebian…I prefer the words "ejaculate" and/or "spunk".

Why wouldn't one just get their porn for free?

What makes you think it won't?

He should really put it on his To Do List to set ICP straight about the whole magnets thing…Shaggy and J seem like they may benefit more from his expertise/insights a bit more than Alfonso Cuarón.