Dwaynes Rock Hard Johnson

Rob Riggle as the roommate.

I cannot believe the French would be so crass and unsympathetic…oh wait….nevermind.

FINALLY…Deltron 303 has come back to the Hip-Hop scene!

Is it too much to hope for that Kanye is a modern day Andy Kaufman? Would that not be total genius?

Finally, Jack Burton has come to the F&F franchise! Now he can go toe to toe with the most electrifying man in entertainemnt!

This show should just be Alyssa Milano staring seductively and longingly at the camera for an hour straight. Every once in a while she could smirk, coyly.

LOVE Galifiankis channeling the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

I <3 Michael J. Fox…he seems like the perfect balance of humble, self-depricating and inspirational. I  hope this show is truly as good as I want it to be.

Biblical mythology + the occult + Revolutionalry War era history + John Noble?!?!?!

Watched the video.

DickWolf is the best name.

Those weren't her crotch shots, that was a photo of a pastrami sandwich from Katz's…what kinda Jew are you anyway? More like Jewbroni!

It's not stealing if she gives them to you freely and it's not that much money once you take out her cut.

I like Rodman well enough and I agree with your assesment that he's the best rebounder basketball has seen in a long time…but you're undermining Ringo's contribution to the group, which was more his goofy/lighthearted personality and general congeniality than his "virtuoso" drumming (although most of his drum parts


Billie is 41, she's 27 (I had too look that up). Kinda creepy.

Seems to be…although "Event Series" just sounds so self-important and indulgent.

"Event Series"

So half black isn't black enough?

"You have a dick so you probably just didn't get it."