Dwaynes Rock Hard Johnson

With the mask and the trenchcoat his character design reminds me a lot of Grifter form Jim Lee's Wildcats.

It's not?

French tickler, naturally.

I call that a polite Mexican Standoff.

I totally heard all of that dialog coming out of Chet's mouth with his speech affectations.


Get in line!

EBTG > Rod Stewart though.

Nygma, please.

Well…how coincidental…I just happen to have a collection of porn on VHS that is looking for a new home.

"Sliding Drawers*" down around my ankles.

Who in the blue hell even has a VCR anymore?!?

Only if you happen to be Indiana Jones.

That would be a bit of serendipity.

Way to miss the fucking joke Jabroni.

So what I'm hearing is that heteros dudes should totally be applying to this school. ACKNOWLEDGED.

She and I getting back together seems as remote and unlikely a possiblity as ever…

Are you sure it's unconditional love and not just unconditional indifference?

I'll be your spotter.
