
I saw X-Men!

And Bono creepily walking behind you. Probably the scariest lyric in any U2 song is in that first verse:

If they actually end up killing all those characters in the third season premiere, that would be pretty audacious.

Whoa, what if our collective belief in Star Wars actually caused these characters to exist… in outer space?

I was going to say, "Maybe this will make everyone remember how great those Lord of the Rings movies were," but then I remembered that Peter Jackson is still making that other trilogy that I have been actively trying to forget.

I can totally see that. For me the title track, especially, has always evoked dark summer nights and long, eerie stretches of highway under a vast and starry sky.

Yeah, the new movies haven't even come out yet, and aren't we already suffering from Star Wars fatigue?

The USSR abolished the death penalty before we did? Dang, son.

But Diggle was one of the men who arrested him?…

But Diggle was one of the men who arrested him?…

But I thought the whole conversation with Diggle was just a ruse to arrest him? Wasn't Diggle the one at the very end telling him he had a right to remain silent?

But I thought the whole conversation with Diggle was just a ruse to arrest him? Wasn't Diggle the one at the very end telling him he had a right to remain silent?

Dude who looks like Wolverine, got taken out by the Nazis.

Dude who looks like Wolverine, got taken out by the Nazis.

Either those or the cold open from "Back from Vacation" - the silence in the conference room after Andy announces that he's cutting off Phyllis's head, the look of mortification that slowly spreads over Andy's face, his bungled attempt to redeem himself by making chainsaw noises…

What happens in the awesome robot intro? I noticed that my copy of "The Return" was missing an intro.

Michael Rosenbaum may have been the *only* good thing about Smallville.

Michael Rosenbaum may have been the *only* good thing about Smallville.

"Lyla" is pretty great; one of my favorites on that album. "Let There Be Love" is in my top 20 favorite songs of all time.

The A. V. Club turned into Charisma Magazine so slowly I hardly noticed.