
They could have at least kept the original ending (instead of filming it, and teasing us with it in the trailers, and then taking it out at the last minute). Then we would've had one halfway decent film.

"The AV Club"

That should make the sequel to Good Will Hunting interesting.

"This wasn’t Mrs. Doubtfire after all. In fact, it was a random YouTube clip titled, “2009 Halloween Costume and dance to Dude Looks Like A Lady."

One of the writers for Vulture shared similar feelings. He said, "You start off as a kid seeing Robin Williams as a funny man. You come of
age realizing many of his roles are about keeping darkness at bay."

Thank you for keeping us focused on what's important

Yeah, go for his two mammoth short story collections: The Stories of Ray Bradbury (1980) and Bradbury Stories (2003). Both are wonderful.

Daniel Radcliffe is a fan of the US Office? This information puts my whole early twenties into a strange new light.

And the Illuminati knows
that they're finally primed
for world domination!

When you put it that way, Jenkin's ability to thread the needle and actually please so many fundamentalists is really an impressive accomplishment.

So at this point how do people feel about the show, overall?

It's ironic because The Thing seems to have garnered far more respect and acclaim in the ensuing years than E. T. has. The Thing is rightly regarded as a masterpiece while E. T. is seen as one of Spielberg's lesser films.

Season 3 is Parks & Recreation at the height of its powers. Every episode is a gem.

I saw The Thing (1982). And it was repulsive and terrifying. And I loved it.

I always thought that was a reference to the "Bellero Shield" episode of The Outer Limits.

"But wait? How will I find the real cat?"

Who will be reviewing these? I nominate Todd, since he did such an excellent job reviewing the later seasons for the L. A. Times.

I love that the conversation is more shocking the second time you watch it, if you haven't seen the episode in a while, because of how surprised you are that he's not actually talking to Helen.

Beyoncé and Jay Z made a fake movie trailer with their famous friends - but mostly Hitler.

I did not see that coming.