
Me too. If someone I love gets a haircut, I will not recognize them.

Me too. If someone I love gets a haircut, I will not recognize them.

Well, I was willing to give Smallville a chance, and by all accounts this is quite a bit better than Smallville.

The reviews for this show have been consistently good lately. I'm thinking about marathoning. Are there any long stretches during the first season I should skip?

If I was in a room with Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.

I maintain that Season 3 is actually the best season of The Office. The show was beginning to experiment with the template that over two and a half seasons had established it as the smartest and most inventive show on television. In the course of the season, one of the most perfect seasons in television comedy, it

Michael Scott singing along to "Goodbye My Lover" is one of the greatest synergies of music and television that I will ever see.

"The worst thing about prison was the… was the Dementors. They were
flying all over the place and they were scary and then they'd come down
and they'd suck the soul out of your body - and it *hurt*!"

Glad to see I'm not the only one who sees these episodes as one of the show's high points.


Am I the only one who loves this movie?

"I'm too old to start making new friends."

Lorde is fascinating & beautiful. Check out the article about her in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.

No, you don't understand. This woman is AMAZING.

I'm so glad Kacey Musgrave was finally recognized for something.

It's GOOD, but it's not Breaking Bad.

In fact, viewing the world that way tends to make you… the bad guy.

Tonight I saw Ikiru. It was really good!

Inventory: Parks & Recreation's 10 Best Series Finales

I actually think Season 6 has been vastly better than Season 5. I think there's this idea in TV Commentariat Land that shows can only get worse as time goes on, but this one is on the rebound.