
the only other one is Richard

Does Batman really die, though? The end of that movie is so confusing to me.

Getting ready to marathon this on Monday with a cute friend who's obsessed with the lead actors. Can't wait!

Is this woman still single? I'm asking for a friend.

Yeah. Raised by religious fanatics, spent my ill-adventured youth reading Victorian novels. I've seen a lot of really obscure films - Last Year at Marienbad is a personal favorite - but until a couple of weeks ago had never seen Good Will Hunting.

Yes, you got it, Mr White was a cauldron of resentment & bitterness, quietly waiting for a moment to unleash his repressed fury on a world that never appreciated him. The further you get into the series, the more obvious it becomes that this is one messed-up dude. And always has been.

Hey, look over there. That taxi driver is staring at us.

"My two favorite movies are Boondock Saints and, uhh, Citizen Kane."

"Doesn't everyone die in this movie?" - Walter, to Holly

Yep. Just as they idolize Walter White.

A Jackson Browne montage will sell any movie. Hearing "The Pretender" set to a montage of news clips from the late '70s was literally the best part of Mr. Holland's Opus. (and I love how they none-too-subtly bring Reagan into the picture as Browne sings, "Out into the cool of the evening / Strolls the Pretender.")

Been wanting to see this. In the last week I've seen Goodfellas and both Godfather films for the first time, and from what I've heard, this movie and Raging Bull both revel in the disillusionment of their characters as it slowly dawns on them that they're not the heroes they thought they were. We need more movies that

the moment when Phil Robertson crossed the line for me was when he told someone he had never heard of the Smiths.

from what I've heard, it's really serious.

America killed over 2 million Vietnamese.

Love the Diwali episode, but surprised they didn't include March 31st from "94 Meetings" from Parks & Rec.

Sort of like The Martian Chronicles. I love it.

who looked like a girlfriend

AMC Ceo of Cranston in the Shower

So did they sleep together?