
Yes, speaking as a Christian, the weirdest thing about contemporary Christianity is its almost uniform rejection of the Incarnation.

We watched Gibson's Hamlet in my high school class. It was awful. He recited the lines, but not with any conviction. I began to wonder if he really knew what was going on.

I remember seeing Something Wicked This Way Comes in sixth grade. It was haunting and mesmerizing. I watched it again a few years ago and it was still pretty damned scary. One of the best adaptations of a novel I've seen. But I didn't realize it was directed by the director of The Innocents (1961), which is also one

It's not?

Yeah, that guy! :)

Is that the one where the apartment catches on fire? Where Joey is in those horrible ads ("What Mario Isn't Telling You") and can't find a date? Where he thinks the Netherlands is where Peter Pan lives?

WKRP had a keen, postmodern edge to it that makes it perennially brilliant.

The Scum of the Earth? Reverend Little Ed and his "the world is coming to an end" lawn furniture? Mr. Ferryman and the infamous funeral home ad? The one where John Anderson plays the secretary's long-lost love?

Tagline: "From THIS Bourne, no traveler returns!"

Looking forward to the one where we get a flashback to the 1780s.

So did I. Super cute, but so naive.

I guess that's comforting. I'd only been checking my own comments and assumed I had just made an egregious faux pas with my "James Blunt" joke a few days back.

Wow, I'm scrolling through the comments and about 90 percent have been down voted.

But did anyone really think those two crazy kids would make it out of the episode alive?

Love the Smiths but have never heard this song. The description reminds me of "Westfall."

The random quotations are some of my favorite moments in the movie. "Where is fancy bred - in the heart or in the head?"

"I said, GOOD DAY!"

I find Willy Wonka & the Chocolat Factory superior to the novel it's based on, and the Tim Burton adaptation, partly because of Gene Wilder's performance and especially because of that final scene.

Liked because I initially read this as "James Blunt." In fairness, I'd probably like James Blake, too. I tend to like all British music.

But do the drapes match the carpet?