
This is one of the scariest things I've ever seen on television. Later on I would fall in love with Bradbury's writing, but it took me years to figure out that he was the scary old man who had written and narrated this movie.

Why would they humiliate my man James Blunt like that? :(

Wait, Ned married Mrs. Krabappel??

Dammit, I thought you were serious and I got all excited :(

For some reason I read it as "Dostoevsky"

"I own a colored TV!"

I saw Wedding Crashers, accidentally. I bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theater. After an hour I figured I was in the wrong theater but I kept waiting. That's the thing about bear attacks: they come when you least expect it.

Party Time Superhero Day!

3 Man Iron?

He may be a dane… but is he a great dane?

Through the Looking Glass was my favorite novel growing up, but the only truly good adaptation of the two books I've ever seen is the 1960s black-and-white film with Peter Sellers.

Memories of Boom Boom Mountain is one of the weaker episodes of the first season. I would have gone with Magic Man or the first one with Marceline.

That's who she meant when she said, "I think it's sad that he died…"

Name / comment synergy levels approaching 100 percent.

Yeah, the ending is pretty much spoiled in the first couple of episodes.

"I didn’t think he should have died… maybe they’ll do another episode where the ambulance comes and revives him."

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Looks like someone forgot to sign out of their second account.


Yeah, did I really need to know how "The Game" ends?

I've needed this.