DJ Jim0

Merlin Olsen could sell the shit out of a floral bouquet. And then stuff a fullback on 3rd and short.

Yeah but which nation?

Cheryl was all about Sink To The Bottom in the finale

Helter Skelter was on tv so regularly when i was a kid that Railsback will always be Manson to me.

I love Infinite Jest but i don't recommend it to friends. It's a pretty big investment of time and attention and i know it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

Mentioning Sherman in those situations is always a good idea.

She won't spring for Prime to get it in 2? No wonder her relationships don't last

Perhaps another 13 years is being optimistic

America 2017: I've got a really terrible argument to make and goddamn it, I'm gonna make it. Preferably in a messily public manner.

I can only hope that the Wrens are likewise inspired

Is "Mutherfuker by Beck just too obvious?

He's an LA Reid in my kidney.

I had heard that but then I was told he was undead. Undead. Undead.

All these Gaiman adaptations finally happening is giving me some small hope that Sandman will eventually get the full tv series treatment it needs. The hope is still very very small though.

The organizers have cancelled claiming the city killed their permits. Walsh and the BPD Commissioner claim that there wasn't an application for said permits. I'm going with City Hall on this one.

And because, in 2017, any good news must be met with immediate shitty news, some asshole smashed the Holocaust Memorial in Boston with a rock.

I'm gonna miss Teti's football columns. Of course by week 1, commenting will be a nightmare, so life goes on i suppose.

Yeah, her best known role is probably Edith Prickly. Not a character of subtle shading.

No "And Justice for All"? I figured screaming that the whole trial was out of order was always a solid plan to get both the judge and jury on your side?

But even the sheriff checks out the car info that Vinny gives him at the end. He steals the credit for it but actually does do the right thing.