DJ Jim0

Well, both of them did lose a hand.

Yeah, who the hell do Andrea Martin and her 40+ years of high-level comedic experience think they are stealing laughs from a genius like Nia Vardalos?

With Robert Urich as Dan Tanna!

I had forgotten that that actually happened. Now I'm even more depressed.

Jeff Smith will…….well, we probably just shouldn't talk to him at all.

As a kid, I was really excited about Hands Across America until I realized it was occurring nowhere near my city and my parents sure as hell weren't going to drive me to any larger city where it might've taken place.

Rounders is mostly notable for the fact that there was a period where Bill Simmons couldn't get through a column without throwing in a tortured metaphor about how Athlete X was the Ed Norton character of "Insert Professional Sport".

Claire Forlani may be the worst actress I've ever seen get roles in major films. To describe her as "wooden" would be insulting to the more talented trees that were used to build the sets.

The fact that this is set in "the cutthroat world of celebrity chefs" pretty much guarantees that Anthony Bourdain will have unpleasant things to say about all concerned parties. Guy Fieri, meanwhile, will be content to rock and roll.

"From the folks who brought you 'Shit My Dad Says', the tv series!"

And thank God for that

On my planet, it means "hope"

1975 for me. Strange to see that "electronic mail" and "debit card" had already made their way into the world at that point.

That bear might do stupid things but he'll never be MY Trumpy!

Bernsen gets credit for being one of the rare actors in a baseball movie who looks like he's actually set foot on a diamond before. He had a pretty good swing in Major League.

If he read a speech by BNL, fans of innocuous Canadian alt-rock would be satisfied. Very satisfied.

We prefer to call it an enhanced syntax technique.

My wife and I used to joke about the fact that someone like Billy Carter could exist as such a national embarrassment. Since last year, we've decided that Billy wouldn't crack the top 100 most embarrassing these days.

Not to mention all those turkeys that should've gotten what they deserved.

And much like a high school girlfriend who lives in Canada, the people who say that always have "lots of black friends!".