DJ Jim0

Block & Tackle was great. And I wasn't as hated for being a Patriots fan as I would be in most corners of the internet.

Yeah that is great too. Blow Up The Outside World is an all-time turn the volume as high as it can go classic.

Other than various Zeppelin songs, i think my favorite drum sound is Nearly Lost You by Screaming Trees. Just devastating

They had Paul Carrack who's notable for the number of times where people who hate Tempted have asked why i love Squeeze and i explain that Carrack was not the band's regular singer. Then i basically say Fuck Off because i like Tempted too.

Be My Wife is a top 5 Bowie song for me

I like the SST drum sound where it seems that the drums were recorded in a closet, underwater, 12 blocks away

The only good thing about it is that they somehow managed to make a video that was as incredibly awful as the song

In a perfect world, we could listen yo any number of records from that decade that weren't buried in a sea of reverb. Tim by the Replacements and Tunnel of Love by Springsteen right near the top of the list

It's weird being old enough to remember when Sting was actually cool. I don't miss the 80's but sometimes I miss the 80's

His drumming on Eno's "Another Green World" is pretty great

Yet Jay Z's black album is actually titled "The Black Album". But Prince's just didn't have a title. Crazy world

I just call them all "That album by that band i hate". Differentiating would take valuable seconds

If i know Albini, that word won't be "Golly!"

The AV Club Commentariat slouches toward Bethlehem waiting to talk about Dawes.

Morrissey will announce that the fight has been scheduled but will cancel it 6 times before people finally just give up.

I saw a clip of him a while back as a bullying trouble-maker on an episode of Boy Meets World. As if Benjy Wyatt could intimidate anyone, even in high school.

I was 4 in 79 so that's that hazy period where I'm not sure what are actual memories and what are just what I think happened based on what I've heard about that time. Either way, judging from every photo of that period, Star Wars was a pretty pivotal thing

I'm old enough to remember when indie rock mostly just meant bands on independent labels. Now i haven't the slightest idea what it's supposed to mean.

Will listening to Grizzly Bear in any way improve my chances of dating Natalie Dormer?

Final Justice coulda used a little Saxon.