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    Jon Voight

    This got old very quickly.

    Rosebud is a sled.


    It was before my time, but I finally understood why Jeffords' kids names are Cagney and Lacey in B99.

    Buscemi, CK, Carrie, and Fred. Just phenomenal.

    "Also glad to hear she finally shaved"

    Turrible ep, but Cuoco rocked that dress.

    You've never taken a taxi in Philly. Guy overcharged me and then started yelling at me for not tipping him. They're also 99.9999999999% of the time immigrants who have no idea where they're going.

    No, but it was a pretty ignorant line.


    I work at a large, major university. I see Indians with women of various ethnicities all the time.


    This is simultaneously one of the funniest and one of the saddest shows on TV.

    I went to the Martin Guitar Museum on a field trip with my marketing class. I don't play guitar, but it was pretty amazing.

    She's a dead ringer for my first wife.

    You have to be an absolute moron to think sexual orientation is a choice.

    Can't you just deal with the fact that maybe he's only into white women?