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    Just complete ugh.

    That was the definition of a train wreck.

    Am I the only one who has found this season awful?

    "One more thing: The fact that Kevin, from a school in the SEC, missed
    two clues related to SEC football (regarding Steve Spurrier and Derrick
    Henry) is apparently such a big deal that it's being reported in various
    sports media."

    I don't get it.

    Cot damn is she purrfect though.

    I had the pleasure of attending that Super Bowl. I had no clue what happened until I got back to my hotel.

    Dammit lol

    Was I tripping out, or did the twins have a thing on their wall that said 'Prude'?

    *Alexandra Daddario

    Srsly, why the hell is Suits still on TV?

    No, it's not.


    What I was getting at is that his music blows, but sure.

    Go Banana Slugs!

    Mark Zuckerberg was really great in this ep

    I saw B.o.B in Philly in 2008. It was one of the best performances I've ever seen. He has gone absolutely downhill since. Total shame.

    The Japanese are mocking us, because this was already a thing there 15 years ago.

    Thanks. I appreciate it.

    I went to college with the girl who completely blew up the Sunil Tripathi witch hunt on Twitter. It was a massive, massive fail, and she was somehow rewarded with a good job just because she's attractive.