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    "What's his name?"

    Yikes, Portlandia…

    There are Jewish Conservatives, myself included.

    Are the writers unaware that Kristen Schaal is completely insufferable?

    It's terrible.

    "the show with the lowest median household income was determined to be Empire, at $46,400."

    Shrimp is poor people food.

    "Not everyone can afford Michael Kors"

    That 1st half was exceedingly boring.


    Mine, probably, but we ran shit in basketball.

    Seriously, it's embarrassing.

    This show is a disaster.

    It might've been the worst TV show I've ever seen.

    Someone who probably did something awful likely went to your alma mater, assuming you went to college.

    Yes, because I didn't enjoy an episode of a show I like, I should go watch a show I watched one episode of and thought was terrible. Really insightful.

    This show is losing steam quickly.