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    Myq Kaplan name drop!!!!!!!

    Silence of the Lambs was the first movie I saw in theatres.

    Antoine Bethea is here for you, Amy.

    Penny is completely insufferable.

    She is a disaster. The worst overacting I have ever seen.

    What what

    Richard taking that chip LOLOLOLOLOLOL

    I didn't go to Coachella, but they put on a helluva show when I saw them in Arizona.

    They shot the finale of Friday Night Lights on campus when I was a student. Changed all of the flags to the made up school and everything. Still never seen the show.

    GoT does nothing for me.

    Bechdel Test whining 'reviews' are so completely insufferable.


    If he had FedNuts, he would've been in a coma.

    Doesn't matter, had sex.

    Adam pouring one out of a drop of Red Bull was amazing.

    IRL? Because it would be worth the 30 seconds.

    Those pigtails…mother of god

    "Age is often used as a demarcating line, as though turning 14 or 16 or 18 or 21"
