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    …The fuck was that?

    Friggin Todd

    Too much exposition, even for this show.

    I want to repopulate the Earth with her.

    Fats/a fat is a running thing on a board I post on.

    Hey mayne

    He's a chill dude



    As an almost 27 year old guy, you should really check him out live, because he and El-P put on a fucking amazing show.

    God, Fleetwood Mac is fucking amazing.

    Because the show is no longer good/funny.

    25 or so Chanukkahs with several dropped candles and my house has survived.

    Why does Cuoco look like a prostitute?

    Fleshlight line was hilarious.

    Or the green chile.

    Philly accents were brutal. Dude said 'Fixin to' as well.

    That would actually turn this into the GOAT. I would laugh so hard, my ass would fall off.

    *TWD: The Porno*

    Portland's not on the East Coast (Sorry, Maine)