
An Eagles reunion… It's a Nightmare!!!!

I only hope they do a follow up on the Band That Sang California Lady started by the MST3K gang…

Robert DeNiro in Mean Streets; there was some REAL mailbox destruction!

Her performance in that film was astonishing and on another level from just about any other biopic I have seen…

I guess you never heard Bon Jovi's cover of 'Hallelujah'…

I'm more worried about the sheep…

Not familiar with them at all but it is such a bizarrely arbitrary group name that I am intrigued…

Vince Vaughan vs. Uncle Ted Nugent in a steel cage death match. Someone make this happen…

JK killed his lines in that No, no. God no. We don't need those idiots fucking everything up.

I would definitely try all of them, except that last center peach thingy…

Me too; agree with every word.

jIHAD that suspicion from the beginning…

That got a chuckle from me, along with his excitement about the 'mold' instead of the Grammy… nobody does left field misdirected humor like Weird…

There are some of them which continue interesting/valuable information about the product..

Well, this looks like a movie…

Cardiologists everywhere smile and think of their additional summer homes..

He forgot his mantra..

I was in an awful job about 10 years ago when Lost and Entourage were popular. The fact that my coworkers liked them made me avoid them, and although I haven't worked there for years, I feel no desire to see them.

And made brown suits a fashion statement to boot…