
I also love her response 'on a good day' when told about Dougie's disorientation…

Yes, thank you. I thought this from the first. This became even more clear when his scribbles in the case files were seen as profound insights.

mmmm.. DOS…

'She seems so dim and immature, like a petulant child that doesn't understand the reality or gravity of anything going on around her."… I can ignore that in a character, unfortunately it is much harder to ignore in the supposed leader of the free world…

Naomi Watts + lesbian scenes = must see..

You think that's a Schwinn!

Yeah, too bad about Jimbo, it got to the point where people were going to Doors concerts to see a freak show, the other band members deserved better. As for Jimi, my recollections are that the revolving stage was a bad idea and the sound check was amazing. Jimi let loose a screeching riff before the show that sounded

I actually saw Hendrix at the old Garden… old age has its rewards..

Back in the day, I worked with three woman in HR named Linda…

Since we're in Trumpland, this will be a smash hit..

You received fowl treatment..

I suppose you can look at it that way, though the American Graffiti character paid when she had to, though she squawked about it. The present day character would not pay a rusty penny…

ANOTHER pizza front? Thanks Hillary!

wow, Candy Clark sure plays a different character than the charming, sassy one she played in American Graffiti…

The makeup was great, agreed.. my gold standard for makeup was making the glorious Marion Cotillard look like the wizened Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose. Seeing her making all the Hollywood starlets fade by comparison during the Oscars that year was a shock. Getting back to Ms. Coon, there already has been eloquent

Someone get on this, please

I still have to process it, but does anyone have a more expressive face in TV today than Carrie Coon?

I would be shocked and appalled if that fuck weren't shocked and appalled at The Onion…

Damn, Maya Rudolph killed as Dionne Warwick…

He's a good dancer because his height made him lankier! Frank Costanza knows…