
My favorite Carroll Baker role was in Andy Warhol's Bad….The less said about her abortive attempt to play Jean Harlow, the better…

A+ for Julia Louis-Dreyfus farting with a milk mustache…. gold, Julia, that's gold!

Yes, yes he was…

Soultaker cannot be criticized!!

This movie makes me think of the old saying that it is better to try to make something great and fail than to make something lousy and succeed.

Time After Time was quite enjoyable.

Code of Silence would like a word with you…

Amy's FTW

Crack eggs? That sounds suspiciously like work…

I knew this was Sean O'Neal without looking at the byline, the line about shower curtains confirmed it…

At AA meetings they call it 'amateur night'…

funny, I get kind of a contact high from these photos

Gillian Anderson anybody? She's only a year younger than Nicole Kidman and her Scully martial arts freak outs were some of the more enjoyable X files scenes…

What was the middle part again?

As this infamous Twix scarfing salesman noted 'You're incorrect!

He is getting prissier all the time, it is rather hilarious…

Good point, though I could argue that 80s fashions were tougher on women. The shoulder pads, spandex and big frizzy hair gave the impression of NFL linebackers who stuck their fingers in a light socket…

You have to love a computer that wheezes like a 3 pack a day smoker..

That may be the most 70s picture I have seen…