
He's a fancy boy!

Her idol of course is of course Peggy Carter…

The only thing I can say about that cast is that those pretzels are making them thirsty…

The Hendrix family nods in agreement…

That 45 second piercing scene felt like 45 minutes; and of course Hannah reneged…..

Probably my favorite character also… Her line readings make already surreal dialogue even weirder. Also one of my favorite Seinfeld guest characters ever:

He was very good in The Immigrant

I note a 'No Stairway to Heaven' sign, but see no such prohibition against Hotel California; I'll allow it….

Dev Patel annoys me for some reason, has ever since Slumdog Millionaire; enough of a reason for me to skip it, especially since i didn't see the supposedly better original..

A lot of the blame is shared by that funny looking kid with the big nose who played shortstop…..

I thought this was the weakest episode so far, it finds it rhythm later.. and oh yeah, great to see Carol Kane again..

If you are referring to Karen Allen, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside….

Kramer… he's got a BIG hopper…

She seems to be somewhat sexually adventurous, which Raj no doubt appreciates more than her morbid sense of humor..

Emily's morbid sense of humor was the highlight of the episode for me…

There is no exception to Atticus Finch; unassailable. That being said, I was impressed by Laurence Fishburne in Boyz N The Hood. Fishburne has always portrayed a maturity beyond his age, I am still astonished that he was only 17 years old during the filming of Apocalypse Now…

We need more shows with wacky slap bass…

I always liked her; I found her energy refreshing and looked forward to her appearances..

I started to read the HG Wells novel one summer and the vivisection content freaked me out.. I never picked it up again…

I am not con-vinced to see it..