
They should do this for all videos

bad song, worse remake..

Julia Collins topped his winnings and was unfailingly charming and gracious throughout; my favorite all time contestant…


Jessa The Eater of Souls is now truly horrifying…

Watch out for any lies about his Bigus Dickus

So you missed Boy's Don't Cry where she stole the film from Academy Award winner Hilary Swank as well as her funny turn in Portlandia?

Columbo would like a word with the writers…

Money is good for your sense of humor..

Yeah, thats right..

If this isn't the granddaddy of bad ideas, I don't know what is…

Nerd discrimination… sine of the times…

The bread.. and I'm from NYC so I know!

You beat me to it.. the Jamocha shake is a work of art…

She's already looking at the future!

Farfel, the perpetually barking, leg humpin' dog from Seinfeld.. the perfect excuse for avoiding any social situation!

"Sheldon quoted Taylor Swift, which was almost enough for me to push the grade of the episode to an A. "… Almost?? I thought that was an automatic around these parts post 1989?

Points for the screen name, collectivist!

Probably still my favorite film comic book art.. not really a good movie, but damn it was gorgeous to look at…