
Acting like a bunch of C.R.E.E.P.S indeed…

I still like dogpile…

I remember my coworker seeing this movie and demanding his money back from the theater, which they agreed to do. It was the only time he ever did this…

I liked Ellie Kemper on The Office, but she is kind of terrifying here… and not in a good way…

oh, no, it's completely baked…. Benjamin Braddock..

Jennifer Aniston more than made up for the rest of the crap…


Every time I see it, that damn 'T' in the title bothers me… it's just wrong…

Still my favorite Depp role..

I was wondering the same thing…. new episode, please…

Sad that many people only know Che through Woody Allen's definitive portrayal of him in 'Bananas'…

Just rewatched The Invitations episode of Seinfeld. This may be my favorite Seinfeld episode. The humor is pitch black (the audience gasped when George asked out Marisa Tomei the weekend of the funeral). George trying to contain his elation in the hospital is incredible (So, she's dead… huh).. Kramer's 'Poor Lili'

I will never be able to unsee that screen capture, dammit.

Maybe my favorite douchy Jim Halpert prank was stealing that album

The final scene where Kramer meets Jerry for this first time and shows the roots of their relationship redeems the whole episode for me. Also props for 'you can stuff your sorries in a sack'

"You're always attracted to someone who doesn't want you, right? Well, here you have somebody who not only doesn't want you… doesn't even acknowledge your right to exist, wants your destruction! That's a turn-on."

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but a bit surprised not to see 'Palestinian Chicken' from Curb. I recall this attaining the rare and coveted A+ grade here..

I am not jealous of you any more, Chicago…

What was that quote again.. oh yeah…. "This is the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas"