
Dana Elcar's cackle was the highlight for me.

Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me

J Edgar, is that you?

Up your nose with a rubber hose!

I am glad she is getting back to the country stuff in concert. I agree about the solo piano stuff; she has been into soul since the Tambourine album…

I have been a Tift fan since 2002 and she is very talented, but has moved toward the pop realm since..

Everything I read about him indicates he was a complete gentleman and professional always…

Still my favorite time travel movie and even sci fi movie in general. It looks great, has a sense of wonder, and the effects were state of the art for the era..

Possibly my favorite sci fi movie ever… I thought of movies differently after I saw it… I may watch it again today in memoriam…

geez, that's right…. The scene where Jim Hutton realizes the implications of what is going on is devastating… One of my top 5 for sure…

I was saddened by the news; The Time Machine and The Birds, among others were fondly remembered cultural touchstones for me…

It's diabolical… as cunning as the Mom and Pop store in Seinfeld..

I pretty much agree with the positive comments about the show. I also liked the sense of post war atomic dread, per Kiss Me Deadly, among others..

I never go below 23rd Street!

Snappy 40s slang? Sold!

Thanks for the review, his best and most honest performance.

How about finally making 'Mant'?

Well that sucks . Anyone who can portray Lou Gehrig and FDR is OK by me.

With no dick!

Exactly; fortunately Madonna did not, though she wanted to.