
Mrs. Miller, eat your heart out!

No mention of JB Smoove!!??.. "I'm goin' upstairs to eat this fuckin' Chinese food in my fuckin' room.!"

exactly! There are many adjectives I could use to describe US race relations, but sane and rational are not among them..

You have to load the comments manually, but the control F command will search all the comments on the page. If there are several pages of comments (as there are on this thread) you have to load each page, but control F will work on each page.

Far is a good choice, though I might recommend her Live in London set, which is a bargain at $20 US for a DVD and CD. It has a lot of her most accessible songs, plus shows how she can bring it live, A lot of it is available via YouTube. I recommend Machine (great apocalyptic dread); Apres Moi (like Cliff Notes of

Control F is your friend; it should work with any browser…

My favorite satire on racial politics remains 'Putney Swope' by Robert Downey Sr.

Ditto Regina for sure. Cronenberg at times and most definitely Nabokov.

You had to be there, man…

Please do it before the midterm elections, please!!!!

It Stinks!

My favorite role for him was still Clean and Sober

Ditto 'Down and Out in Beverly Hills; RIP

That's abysmal…

From the very brief description I have read this looks like future MST3K material..


There was a law to show this on basic cable at least once a week…

Kaley in that bikini was stunning..

I would definitely watch a spin-off of those cynical, trash talkin' floozies…'This is where hope comes to get fucked in the ass'..

He knew he was a dead man anyway, as Narcisses' men were just outside in the hall..