
I'M AL CAPONE!!!!!!… Rod Steiger as big Al, 1959

No comments on how Carrie almost drowned her baby? I thought that was a pretty important plot point, but this was the first episode I really watched, so I might be missing the point..

As proper donuts should be…

I plan to use the term 'uterine inhabitant' at the next opportunity..

One man's duckface is another man's sexy pout..

be more funny, internet!

I agree, as long as the lines to use the push button phone booths are not too long…

'Quietly great'; a very apt description, RIP…

I just revisited the original Ocean's 11, and Frank and Dino bring the fun, no matter how iffy the script..

Tom Hanks in the middle of an epic urination in the background, nods slowly in agreement..

Nobody expects….. The Spanish Inquisition!!

Interesting that it took Brian Wilson to show this song should have been left as is…

Actually the mid 70s were not as patriotic as people commonly believe, even with the Bicentennial hoopla.. Watergate had a lot to do with the cynical atmosphere of that time…..yeah, I'm old…

I would put 'Five Easy Pieces' just about up there with Chinatown…

Don't forget Harold…

No use getting yourself in a stew about it..

I like the simultaneous declaration of hate, and the use of the walls. I think this can bring some more energy to the show, and disagree with the review on this one..

Pfft, he couldn't even run Portland without his parents' help….

There is also a campy B movie with the same title also released in 1957, about a doctor who accidentally becomes a vampire while taking the wrong 'medicine'..http://www.imdb.com/title/tt005115…

Prequels don't generally turn out well, but this should happen…