
*Sigh*…I miss Julia Collins sweetly smiling before she obliterates the other contestants..

I like him even more now..

One of the few times I really laughed out loud watching the show..

His overly pedantic emphasis on pronunciation, and his sly condescension is hilarious, and probably impossible to follow…

Steve Landesberg as Dietrich was my role model, still is, actually…

Page > Richards

'Modern' society is still uncomfortable with public shows of affection… whether gay or straight'…. Get a room you two!

I can't imagine another actor being that perfect in The Station Agent. Anyone who is any fan of his at all MUST see that one…

“I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.”

She did look amazing on Bill Maher's show last week..


I agree with The Immigrant… not only gorgeous to look at, but it confirms my opinion that Marion Cotillard is in the top rank of current actresses, second to none…

I am an unabashed fan. Not only is she smart and fast, but she seems pretty down to earth and approachable, as if you could just sit down and chat with her. She also seems to know how to bet sensibly, which has tripped up previous multiple contest winners. I am rooting for her to go all the way…

I kept thinking of Jerry Seinfeld spitting out mutton surreptitiously into handkerchiefs…

I don't mind him as long as he isn't talking..

In the unlikely event, I have another son, I may name him Scoot..

From Russia with Love is the standard by which all catfights must be judged..

Geez, I feel like I met a survivor of a disaster… My father had free tickets to that musical, and they still seemed overpriced. I recollect that it started off half decently and then deteriorated rapidly. We very rarely spoke of it afterwards

The Sriracha chips should include the tagline 'stuff them in your mouth' on the package…

You may have a point, largely due to the soullessness and empty cynicism magnified by deafening CGI crap..