
Time Chasers may be my favorite MST3K episode…
'What is THAT!"
'That means I like you!'

Any movie with Lee Marvin gets a lifetime pass…

the language barrier is a metaphor for a lack of communication; the translation would ruin it..

I had the same reaction

I got kind of a Woody Allen vibe seeing the young Louie..

Maybe but every line of his was pure gold…

thanks.. sorry I missed it elsewhere… Damn that makes it even more poignant than I thought..

What did she say to Louie in the morning after?

I want to go to that diner..

The Fuehrer would never allow himself to be photographed with such a sloppy tie….nein!

Yes, I thought along those lines also..

The first line of the song ties in with the moon landing metaphor…

His character is the perfect personification of the 'banality of evil'… I could see him as a number of historical characters justifying any atrocity as necessary…

'I do this all the time, no sweat'

Werner Herzog should narrate the whole film

Agreed, although 'High School Confidential' is good for those needing a camp fix

Loud explosion filled, plot free super hero movies is the correct answer..

This looks interesting, too bad about the title…

agreed.. this article could be subtitled 'How a minimally talented hack kept his name in public through any means necessary'.

It was popular for awhile… I did some consulting work for a friend, and used his Wordstar from a floppy… good times…