
Actually Multi-Mate was a lot easier to work with….*shudder*

A nice write up and discussion of the scene in Five Easy Pieces, including the rarely remembered follow up by Nicholson where he admits he didn't get what he wanted. This somewhat summarizes the theme of the entire film….

The problem is, he forgot his lines. He should have looked directly at the arresting officer and said…" Fuck you. That's my name. You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an eighty-thousand dollar BMW. THAT'S my name.!"

Kind of like those convoluted telephone greetings they made their poor receptionist recite in Moonlighting…

maybe there's too much time between lunch and dinner but I would eat the shit out of all of these..

I might bump it up half a grade for Penny's gorilla freak out… her movie clips are always great, and in this case MST3K worthy…

Rashida Jones is beyond criticism, especially dressed in a uniform.. this is not negotiable..

major kudos for the Wilhelm Reich reference…

The last thing I knew is we have NO DEAL!

You never could compete with LLOYD BRAUN!!

Having a vague memory of this show, and reading the comments, it occurs to me this would be a perfect candidate for some Rifftrax, no?

Shirley Jones was quite the vixen!

Yes!, No!

Feels like an Arby's night…

Ayn Rand made a career out of using people like Lou as straw men…

yes, true, but I would still love to be there..

The answer is 'American Graffiti.. not only do we hear Cindy Williams advising Ron Howard 'get your cooties offa me!, but we hear budding counter culture rebel Ron Howard advise 'Marblehead' Kroot that he already graduated…

A musical guide to our northern neighbor

His penis leaving him was a dick move… (I'll stop now)..

Yes.. and Charles Haid's impassioned delivery helps..