
You are NOT the only person; I wouldn't let those 'lawyers' defend a pet rock.

A light version of Ally McBeal would be invisible, IMO

Ally McBeal has the same relationship to this show as does a paint by number to a Rembrandt…

I fail to see why this guy is controversial. I watch Jeopardy about every day and have seen many other contestants do the same or similar tactics. I suspect jealousy and sour grapes…

Patti Lupone's 'The Elephant Man got laid a LOT' alone should bump up the grade…

I'm Spartacus!

Very much agree about Linda; Stevie Nicks would have to be second, no?

Shall we play a game?

*whines and hides in cupboard under the sink*

why ask why?

A movie with the bacony stink of Canada all over it!

Her loosest and funniest performance… plus Rip Torn saying 'horseshit;..

Amy Adams has never been less than excellent in everything I have seen her in…

Judging only from the trailer, I would prefer eating a tin foil sandwich than seeing this film…

I think this film walks the fine line between sentiment and cynicism as well as any I can think of… not in small part due to Jean Shepherd's essential narration. In fact this may be my all time favorite use of narration in any film..

:You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe…I lost my train of thought.

For some reason I get a lot of enjoyment from the same item on both the underrated and overrated lists…

This is so unnecessary… It cannot improve on MANT!

I was thinking of a young Tom Selleck..

I don't remember the context but I remember watching a clip of Ray Milland roaming the streets looking for a bottle in The Lost Weekend, and the teacher exclaiming how sick he was. In retrospect, kudos for the teacher's taste…