
I still like the two Burton movies, but certainly prefer the Nolan ones, and I can objectively see why people wouldn't be able to stomach the originals too much in light of the Nolanverse's existence.

I think one main strategy for MMORPGs in general is to just drop as much stuff and as many game mechanics into them as possible. You want just an overwhelming amount of STUFF in it so people perceive that they can play it for 400 hours or something. Stuff that doesn't work right can later be patched or removed

That does alter Glenn's personality a bit, instead of it being that he was wimpy and was made into a warrior through training and the war with the mystics it was more about his in-born empathy for others.

I have the first issue of Mind MGMT, unfortunately I found the art less unique and more just very bad and not good. Your mileage may vary but I couldn't stand reading it personally.

If you think the current game is bad, apparently the original version before they revamped like literally every aspect of it was an absolute pukestain of a game, worthless in every regard.

No, squirrels are not particularly known for being big or anything, they're squirrels. It looks close enough to the size of an actual squirrel (okay, might be more on the chipmunk side, but anyway, it's not outside of reality).

I was actually sort of nerdy/lame enough to watch at least some of the episodes of the cartoon even though I was a teenager when it came out, but I thought that first movie was pretty terrible, except for the David Hasselhoff part(s).

"Word Crimes" didn't cover proper tense use, you have to admit.

So this movie depends on Antonio Banderas not only playing a pirate, but an old-timey 1600s pirate somehow still existing in the modern day? I don't know if I can accept that leap in logic in this movie about talking sponges.

What's funny is a lot of Evangelical churches have like special bible studies once a year that only married adults can go to, about how to put the spice back in your marriage and keep from divorcing each other by having hot kinky sex. It seems lots of Evangelicals don't really have an issue with mainstream fetishes

About how you should pay 30 dollars a year to play forgettable EA shit, I guess.

Someone at the time paid like $50 for that piece of shit, though, as you said.

I had a nostalgia blast at one point in the mid-2000s when I was copying old VHS tapes onto DVD and discovered I had an old VHS tape with six hours of CBS Saturday Morning cartoons, ranging from episodes of Garfield and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to W.I.L.D. Cats and, lo and behold, Skeleton Warriors. It was like a

Sorry, I misread your post as saying "didn't see Iron Man", so my reaction was based on that, the idea that someone could be interested in seeing this but so disinterested in the Marvel comic book movies or comic book movies in general that they didn't even see the original Iron Man at some point in the past six years.

I actually started FF9 from scratch the first time because I didn't really understand how the learning skills worked vis a vis items/grinding, so I literally could not beat Necron without a LOT of grinding that I had neglected to do throughout the entire game, and I'd sold armor and weapons throughout, too, so that

Yep! And the only way to get some special item was to wear the beachwear outfit (like straw hat, swim trunks, pearl bracelet, something else, a particular combination of armor for all 4 characters on your team) when you fight him. Anyway, he was harder than the actual final boss (who unlike in most FFs was actually

Making Glenn/Frog speak in modern English was a freaking travesty, as was calling Magus "the demonlord Magus" even once. Magus was already a title, you imbeciles!

The bit also involved him talking about how he watched it in IMAX 3D while high as a kite (how he watches as many movies as he can), so that probably explains why it's not an entirely accurate observation (also its funnier this way).

I wish you'd told me this three years ago, as the mystery has haunted me every moment of every day.

I'm going to be honest and say that I'm a fat guy who used to frequent buffets too often (I'm trying to change…again…I did lose a lot of weight one time! Honest!), and even I found Cici's to be a horrendous, terrible place (that I only went to…three times in my life, another sad confession). It wasn't even the pizza,