
Or even the one where Jon Stewart was the guest host.

Perhaps they saw any episode of Larry Sanders (or perhaps one in particular) and realized the guest host shot can be a stressful thing, and decided to keep it simple.

Oh. You didn't care for Graceland.


There's so much incredible stuff in Maron's talk with Sam Simon that the jaw-dropping revelations about his childhood almost get forgotten.  This includes possibly the most awkward encounter with Groucho Marx ever reported. And, oh yeah, ELVIS!

I'm really not seeing how anything these kickstarter kids are doing is in any way less ethical than the Eagles charging $200 a ticket to sleepwalk through a catalogue that made them millionaires 20 years ago. The Eagles have fans willing to pay $200 a ticket. These kids have fans willing to give them a few bucks for

This does sound weak, but I could certainly tolerate a lot of Julianne Moore dressing up as a teacher.

So long Nathan. See you on the other side.
All I can do as a final tribute is to latch onto a vastly superior comment made by someone who got up much earlier than I did.

Well, I don't have to "like" it…

OK, AV Club.
You mentioned a movie I saw 25 years ago, and I gave you a page-view.
Are we done here?

While it is a nice change to see a "Watch This!" that isn't appallingly over-familiar, but rather an apparent gem of which I was previously unaware, I must confess the odds are rather long that I will ever actually, as you say, watch this.

California's probably run by a bunch of Canadians, but Affleck took all the credit and made it about himself.

"What the hell was I talking about? Oh, right, Bender."

HATE-WATCHER OUT! See you on Netflix, bitches.


If it was on the History Channel, the title would be "Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo?".

That urchin is a bit too wretched and those apples are a bit too shiny.
And don't get me started on that dragon.

He was delicious.

The point of "Watch This" is to cheaply and consistently produce a small amount of original pop-culture content in order to draw web traffic to this website and sell advertising on it.
Now ask me about the Easter Bunny.

I saw her play in Winnipeg around '92, and at one point in the show she casually mentioned her husband. There was an audible collective gasp from the room as approximately 50 lesbian hearts broke.