
I actually read this shortly after it first came out. I wish I'd saved it, if only to remind myself it actually existed.
I concur the movie is better. I can't fault Zemeckis for completely reworking this. All that nonsense with the doppelgangers and word balloons just wouldn't have made any sense in a movie. Also,

And on the other hand, I love reading Crosstalk and would find it annoying to have to get this through a Podcast or video clip. I appreciate the effort that clearly goes into a well-written dialogue between two interesting writers.
The last line is a bit of a cop-out though

Of course Natalie would be better off dating you, or any other schlub for that matter.

Well, Nathan, since MYOF or its various side-projects aren't indexed in any meaningful way, who cares?
At this point the AV Club Blog has become just a bunch of stuff that you and the rest of the staff are hurling at us, and all these various subcategories and sub-feature titles are just adding to the considerable

You don't see Amelie Gillette complaining about a lack of respect in the Comments section, and she's a lot worse than Steve Hyden. But she doesn't care. Steve Hyden cares deeply about that respect, and he wants it bad.


Art direction note
They need some more American flags in front of that diner. Three just isn't enough.

WALL-E also totally stole Bender's dream of destroying all humans.
What a mess-up. I hope someone got fired for that.

It must be based on an old logic problem. If there are only two barbers in town, choose the one with the bad haircut because they must cut each other's hair.
Though why anyone would watch this show defies logic.

@ evilunclefrank & frito:
That's an excellent suggestion… in Japan.

It makes no sense not to just do four individual episodes for a DVD release, especially since these are being hacked up for syndication anyway.
What I'd really like to see is a feature-length "Tales of Interest". That would have been a much better way to handle all the incompatible elements of BWABB than to wedge them

The movies aren't working
This one was better than BBS (no awful songs!), but the longer format just isn't working. This felt like they had 1-and-a-half good episodes awkwardly stitched together with 3-and-a-half bad episodes.
It's nice to see the old gang again, but the straight-to-DVD run is starting to sour me on

It still ranks somewhere behind "Mission accomplished".

Nobody rides for free, bitches.

It's about cats, right? The planet is Earth?
Is it cats?
I don't want to have to actually read it.
Someone just tell me T'Ang Lang is a cat.

Ang Lee made Hulk cry
And crush the giant poodle.
Ten-year-olds ask why.

"The most famous fantastic novel of all time."
The Blind Spot?
Never heard of it. Though if you're going to slap some hyperbole on the cover, you might as well aim high.

Let me guess
Instead of a detective, he's a gangster octopus.
And he has access to a time machine.
Also his best friend is a talking pie.

Did I mention that the light romantic comedy was written by Michael O'Donoghue? Because that's kind of important.
It's a really great show-biz book.

I have not read this but I did read Linson's previous book "A Pound of Flesh" and I strongly recommend it. It sounds similar to this, but the anecdotes stem from earlier films like "Where The Buffalo Roam" (Linson's ill-fated stab at directing), the Untouchables, and an abortive light romantic comedy starring Willem