
Hey, if anyone's going to translate Abel Ferrara's troubling vision into commercial success, it's Werner Herzog.

You want the joke?

Do you work at Gitmo?

Serrano's got the discs.

Taking a part in "Alvin and the Chipmunks"
I have to ask, what kind of hot wings?
If you say honey-garlic, we have a deal!

They wanted to arrest De Niro, but he wanted too much money.

Best Celebrity Arrest ever!
When I saw the words "Dennis Farina Arrested" I admit my heart sank a little. I love this guy, and I expected some disillusioning tale of woe and substance abuse.
But carrying a loaded pistol? That is totally 100% Dennis Farina. Sorry you got in trouble, Dennis, but you didn't let us down

Oh great
A game that looks like Ikea instructions.

Awww. I wanted impotent rage.
This has degenerated into impotent confusion.

Love the Hate
I've grown to enjoy all the Family Guy hatred that flows down here and elsewhere.
At first I was just annoyed with the way people could not content themselves with merely preferring one TV show over another, but felt compelled to translate that preference into what can only be described as active (and

that Matthew McConaughey gag
That's cool, Gen. I totally know where you're coming from. It's like this total McConaughey hatin' thing and it'd be like totally funny for some people, and it just keeps goin' on and on. You can throw your remote at it if you want, darlin', they get paid either way. But you know, it's

I think you're using the word "wider" in the narrowest possible sense here.

No, it's over-rated
Maybe I'm just one of those poor saps you pity so much, but I really think you're overplaying this one, Scott.
The mystique peels off of this movie very easily, and once it does you're just spending an hour watching people freak out over twigs and rocks (though I admit that last scene is a killer).

The post-Moore era
I love Michael Moore, but he has set the bar pretty low for every right-wing jackass who wants to spew polemic.

FG "Back to the Woods" Special Edition
I was hoping GK would comment on the re-edited version of tonight's Family Guy. I think this was one of the Strike episodes that weren't tweaked by Seth at the last minute, and he must have finally tweaked them.
The highlight was probably the primetime debut of "Two Girls, One

The End of Hits
What this really means is that "hit records", and the Billboard charts have ceased to have any true broad cultural significance. We're all listening to our own iPods and narrowcast satellite radio channels and are more likely to hear the latest hot ringtone than the latest "#1 hit".

Thanks for the tip. I tried watching it with Cooke's commentary, which unfortunately underscores how unsuccessful this adaptation (or "adaption" as Cooke repeatedly calls it) was.

No fun
This feature is only fun when the product being tested is revolting.
I suggest replacing it with a new feature titled "AV Staff Eat Things Mailed in by Readers".
You could even have a two-stage reaction: stage one when the staff members eat the unidentified substance, and stage two when it is revealed to them

Based on this "B" rating…
… I actually went out and bought this disc. I also kind of liked the retro-streamlined artwork on the cover, and I'm a sucker for old comic books.
But after watching it I have to say that this was really bad. It's boring and incoherent. Thematically, it's over-reaching and deeply confused

I'm keeping the Frisbee, and I'm gonna call your mother right after Kojak!