pronounced weinerslave

I wonder how Phi Phi is going to see herself now that the show is airing. Do you think she'll have any clue that she comes off as pretty busted (though improving, I'll give her that) and also a huge bitch? She seems clueless on the show, but I don't know that she'll have enough self-awareness to see the flaws in

Damn, my high school band went to places like St. Louis and Myrtle Beach. A band trip to Germany would have been amazing!

It was the same when I was there in 2010. After a couple of weeks in Italy, Munich seemed like the greatest place in the world. The fact that beer seems to only come by the liter also helped.

When they brought all the designers back for the top 3 to use as helpers, my husband commented: "They all had to show up just to get kicked out again? It's the owl all over again!" I was on the ground laughing.

It's interesting to hear that, because I wasn't familiar with them before this show at all. It's good to get that back story - it certainly helps explain her reactions to him.

Totally. The whole exchange in the car that caused her meltdown seemed to be: 
Rachel being bitchy. Brandon reacting snippily. Rachel freaking the fuck out like he was an emotionally abusive asshole.

I thought it was the shirtless one.

I wholly support your wish for Total Eclipse of the Heart.

The same people who marketed Whitney the same way?

To be fair, all their amazing work at the border has prepared them to not completely mispronounce most Spanish words. So, there's that.

I'm going to suggest "pad" as the censored word: "I can see her whole pad." Everyone knows that you shouldn't wear a pad with spandex pants, nor should anyone else point out the visible pad. It's not really a censorable word though, except that it acknowledges that women menstruate and obviously that is unacceptable.

The t-shirts were awesome. It took me awhile to notice them, but it was a great joke.

I wonder if it's like how they can ride in cars, just not own or drive the cars. So since they certainly don't own or conduct the trains, maybe they can ride in them?

Ahh, thank you for providing the name of this show! All I've heard it described as is "the show where they rate how well survivalist people have prepared" and that wasn't enough for me to figure it out. Marathon, begin.

Uh, that book drove me crazy. I'm generally sympathetic to arguments like that, and I have my own back-to-the-land-type fantasies, but the author, Eric Brende, just came across like such a pompous jerk-off that it pissed me off.

The Kentucky guys are turning out to be surprisingly competent, I think. They ran right through the solar oven thing, thanks to some familiarity with Legos (meaning, I think, an ability to see how things fit together) and the math was no issue either once the guy realized something about rounding. So country bumpkins

But it was hard because…people were shouting other numbers in Spanish while you were doing it! And also it smelled like cow shit.

At first I was interested in the Sarah/Kristina conversations (although I hate the way they just simultaneously talked at each other) but then it was SO incredibly annoying that Sarah managed to turn the second conversation to her own shit instead of her daughter's. "Oh, I want to apologize for getting upset at you

I so wanted someone to call him on the cop show claim because there are approximately 97,548 cop shows that have aired in that time frame. It's too bad because he can be totally hilarious most of the time but he can't help himself with the name-dropping. Unless it's part of the character, but still…"I can play a

After I raved about this show a few weeks ago to my (straight) husband, he watched and was completely delighted. We then spent every night watching episodes of previous season on Netflix and now RuPaul catchphrases have entered our house. It is freaking amazing.